Ap. Cochet 3 cam., etaj 4/11, Titan-Rasarit de Soare, Parking
Adaugat la 01:14, 26 Februarie 2025
Compartimentare: Semidecomandat
An constructie: Dupa 2000
Suprafata utila: 66 m²
Etaj: 4
Va propun spre cumparare un apartament frumos de 3 camere, semidecomandat, mobilat/utilat si bine intretinut, situat pe strada
Liviu Rebreanu, in cadrul complexului Rasarit de Soare (construit in 2009).
Apartamentul este situat la etaj 4 din 11, etaj intermediar. Spatiul este bine organizat, cu o suprafață utilă totala generoasa de
69 mpu, compusa din 3 camere, 2 bai, 1 bucatarie, spatii de depozitare si 1 balcon de 3.3mp. Locuinta este intr-o stare foarte
buna, nu necesita renovare se vinde cu toata mobila si aparatura din dotare.
Apartamentul beneficiaza de intreg confort termic: A/C si centrala de bloc, iar cladirea este izolata termic.
Apartamentul se vinde impreuna cu un loc de parcare, puteti opta pentru varianta suprateran la 7,000 EUR sau varianta subterana cu
boxa generoasa la 11,000 EUR.
Va invit la o vizionare!
TO BUY: a beautiful 3-room apartment, semi-detached, furnished/equipped and well maintained, located on Liviu Rebreanu street,
within the Rasarit de Soare/ Sunrise complex (built in 2009).
The apartment is located on the 4th floor of 11, intermediate floor. The space is well organized, with a generous total usable
area of 69.11 sqm, composed of 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, storage spaces and 1 balcony of 3.3 sqm. The house is in very good
condition, does not require renovation, it is sold with all the furniture and equipment.
The apartment benefits from full thermal comfort: A/C and central heating, plus the building is thermally insulated. The
apartament is sold with at least 1 parking place, there are 2 options available:
- above-ground parking place at 7,000 EUR
- underground parking space (with generous storage space) at 11,000 EUR.
I invite you to a viewing!