Apartament 2 camere central Palas - Apartment for rent 2 rooms center
Adaugat la 01:57, 01 Martie 2025
Compartimentare: Decomandat
An constructie: 1990 – 2000
Suprafata utila: 45 m²
Etaj: 1
Romana (for English please scroll down)
Cauti chirie, esti nou in Iasi sau vrei sa te muti? Inchiriez apartament central/Tudor/Statia Padurii 2 camere decomandate.
Apartamentul are 45 mp, un balcon inchis, hol spatios, este renovat, in stare buna, si liber imediat. Apartamentul este complet
mobilat, bucataria complet utilata cu frigider, aragaz, cuptor, hota. Baia este dotata cu cada, gresie si faianta.
Incalzirea se face de la punct termic/termoficare.
Palas Mall la 5 minute cu masina, Supermarket la 2 min mers pe jos, conexiuni de transport public la 1 min mers pe jos, Facultatea
de Medicina corp Nicolae Leon 5 min mers pe jos, centru (Piata Unirii) 15 min mers pe jos sau 5 min cu transport public.
Pentru intrebari si programari vizite, rog contactati-ma la telefon/WhatsApp 0040**********71 sau 00049 0163 485 45 95 sau prin
aceasta platforma online.
Apartamentul este disponibil pentru inchiriere imediat.
Hello. Are you new to Iasi or are you searching for a new home? I am renting my 2 rooms apartment in the center of Iasi, fully
furbished and available right away.
The apartment has 45 sqm with individual detached rooms and a beautiful balcony. It is located close to Palas Mall (5 mins by
car), the Faculty of Medicine building Nicolae Leon (5 min walk), supermarkets (2 min walk), public transport (1 min) and city
center (15 mins walk or 5 mins by public transport/car).
The 2 rooms are fully furnished, and the kitchen has all required appliances (fridge, oven, cooker and cooker hood) and furniture.
The apartment is using district heating.
For information or appointments, please contact me via phone/WhatsApp at 0040**********71 or 00049 0163 485 45 95 or via this