1800 EUR

HARBETH Monitor 30.2 - 40th anniversary

Adaugat la 17:22, 06 Martie 2025
Stare: Utilizat


Cel mai frumos model al celebrului producator britanic. Pur si simplu superb!
In plus acest model aniversar vine intr-o culoare unica, deosebita.

Pret fix! SH nu gasiti aceste boxe sub 2500 euro, iar pretul de raft este 4000 euro. Apropo, doar cele 4 mufe WBT costa peste 300
euro. La acest model nu s-a facut rabat de la calitate. Nu am nevoie de bani, nu vreau sa scap de ele. Daca nu se dau, le pastrez
cu mare placere. Modelul acesta nu se mai fabrica si va fi greu de gasit.

Detalii si poze la cerere pentru cei cu adevarat interesati.

From a Stereophile review written by the one and only Herb Reichert:

"Clearly, Alan Shaw understands that loudspeakers sound like the sum of their parts. He understands that you can't accurately
reproduce timbres if the bits of Kevlar, carbon, titanium, or beryllium sing louder than the King's College Choir. Shaw also
understands that the secret of making an accurate loudspeaker is not a gaudy cabinet that weighs a quarter of a ton.
Harbeth Audio's Monitor 30.2 40th Anniversary Edition demonstrated that the best way to make a reference-quality loudspeaker might
be the simplest: use cones and domes and boxes that minimize the aforementioned material colorations. Shaw says that the sound of
his Radial2 cone is the least colored of all present-day bass-midrange cones. I believe he is right.

“I also believe that Harbeth's Monitor 30.2 is the most neutral, accurate, tuneful, fun, and music-loving stand-mounted two-way
speaker I've heard."

- Transducer system: Vented 2-way monitor loudspeaker:
- 200mm Harbeth RADIAL™ bass/midrange;
- 25mm ferr-cooled soft dome tweeter
- Freq. response: 50Hz -20kHz +/-3dB free space, 1m with grille on, smooth off axis response
- Impedance: 6 ohms - easy electrical load
- Sensitivity: 85dB/1W/1m
- Amp. suggestion: Works with a wide range of amplifiers - ideally from 25W
- Power handling: 150W
- Connector: Two 4mm gold-plated binding posts - WBT
- Dimensions (hxwxd): 0460 277 275mm
- Space needs: Overall response optimised for use away from walls.
- Weight: 11.6kg each without packing

Sure it's a bit big for a bookshelf, but like most speakers bigger is better in terms of bass. These come in one of them most
unique finishes we've seen to date called Silver Eucalyptus. Absolutely stunning.

They also come fitted with super high quality WBT binding posts showing that no expense was spared in the construction.

The 30.2 is an upgraded version of Harbeth’s M30.1 . The M30.2 Anniversary model features:
- the latest WBT-nextgen binding posts
- a new-look tweeter with silver hexgrille
- Harbeth's 40th Anniversary ultra-pure OFC internal cable
- audio-grade polyester capacitors that are made in England specifically for Harbeth
- our 40th Anniversary limited edition front and back badges, as well as a metallic black and gold anniversary grille badge
- limited edition silver eucalyptus veneer, which is exclusive to Harbeth’s ‘Anniversary’ models.

Although Harbeth reportedly manufactures one of its tweeters, the one used in the 30.2 is made especially for it by SEAS, and is
made to a different specification than the tweeter used in the Monitor 30.1, even though that one is also made by SEAS for

The bass/midrange driver’s cone is injection-moulded and uses the second generation of a special formulation of polypropylene that
Harbeth developed in partnership with the University of Sussex, using grant money from the British Government’s Science &
Engineering Research Council. The first generation of this material was dubbed ‘RADIAL’, which was an acronym invented by
Harbeth’s owner, Alan Shaw, to stand for ‘Research And Development In Advanced Loudspeakers’, so it seemed only obvious that the
second generation of the material would be called RADIAL2.
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