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Manuals: Romanian for foreign learners/guides Romanian tourism/culture

Adaugat la 22:16, 03 Martie 2025
Stare: Utilizat


Learn Romanian manuals for foreign-language speakers and useful guides to Romanian touristic spots, culture, in English

1. Mona Moldoveanu Pologea, Learn Romanian/Apprenez le Roumain, 2011. 2 vol. (Textbook + Book of exercises) + CD. With support in
English & French. State: as new.
150 lei for the entire set.

2. Romanian At First Sight - A Text Book For Beginners - Raluca Suciu, Virginia Fazakas. 2009. State: as new.
60 lei

3. Limba romana pentru straini [Romanian for foreigners], Olga Balanescu. 2006. State: as new. Also for beginners and lower
intermediate level.
50 lei

Other books:
1. Bucharest, Guest information. 156 pagini, large format 2005. With tourist maps and illustrations.
40 lei

2. Monasteries of Romania (Manastiri din Romania), 80 pag with illustrations.
40 lei

3. Maramures, 72 pag with illustrations, 2006.
20 lei

4. Born in Utopia. An Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry (Carmen Firan, Paul Doru Mugur, eds.), 357 pagini.
60 lei
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