3999 RON

Masa de POKER adusa din Las Vegas | masa poker | masa de poker

Adaugat la 05:16, 01 Martie 2025


Custom Tables EU va ofera posibilitatea de a va PERSONALIZA masa de poker astfel incat sa fie UNICA.

Exemplue: masa cu sigla Las Vegas.
Materiale de calitate superioara si finisaje deosebite.
Dimensiuni de la 0215 285 0125 150 29 99.
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Custom Tables EU produce mese de joc pentru:
- poker, remmy, ruleta, blackjack, baccarat, craps/barbut, biliard
precum si:
- carti de joc, accesorii (jetoniere, chipsuri, cutii de rake/tips), zaruri, table

Mesele sunt facute pe linie automatizata si permit orice dimensiune (lungime x latime). Se poate folosi imprimeu/print standard
sau personalizat (cu logo/fisier grafic al clientului). Executia se face in 4 ore dar au prioritate comenzile mari.

Ne puteti contacta pe WhatsApp: zero sapte cinci doi sapte zero sase doi unu patru
sau pe canalele SocialMedia
- Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter -> CustomTablesEU
- Facebook -> CustomT
(cautati dupa numele canalului, trecut mai sus)
- sau ne gasiti in centrul Bucuresti-ului.

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Custom Tables EU manufactures gaming tables for:
- poker, rummy, roulette, blackjack, baccarat, craps, billiards
as well as:
- playing cards, accessories (coin holders, chips, rake/tips boxes), dice, backgammon

The tables are made on an automated line and allow any size (length x width). You can use standard or customized print/playing
surface (with your logo/graphics). Execution is done within 4 hours but large orders take priority.

You can contact us on WhatsApp: zero seven five two seven zero six two one four
or on Social Media channels
- Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter -> CustomTablesEU
- Facebook -> CustomT
(search by the channel name, mentioned above)
- or you may find us in the center of Bucharest
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