799000 EUR

Pensiune cu 10 camere de vanzare in Sanmartin, Bihor

Adaugat la 02:29, 01 Martie 2025
Locuinta mobilata / utilata: Nemobilata / neutilata Camere: 4 sau mai multe Suprafata utila: 700 m²


Agentia imobiliara D`Art Imob va ofera o pensiune cu 10 camere de vanzare in Sanmartin, Bihor.

Pensiunea a fost construita in 20009 630 561 mp. Este compusa din parter, 2 etaje si mansarda.

La parter se afla receptia, sala de mese de 32 de persoane, 2 bai, bucataria cu 2 spatii de depozitare separate, vestiarul pentru
angajati, spalatoria si o camera tehnica.

Cele 2 etaje au aceeasi structura, anume cate 5 camere duble cu balcoane si bai individuale cu dus. La mansarda regasim un
apartament cu 2 camere si baie cu vana, sala de conferinta cu 2 camere, 2 grupuri sanitare si o anexa pentru depozitare.

Proprietatea este amenajata elegant, dotata cu elemente de mobilier din lemn masiv, gresie din placi mari si lucioase, parchet
laminat, geamuri termopan cu tamplarie PVA, televizoare, frigidere si instalatii de aer conditionat in fiecare camera. Dispune si
de 10 locuri de parcare si de asemenea, constructia este prevazuta cu loc pentru ascensor, ce poate fi montat si poate urca pana
la mansarda.

Imobilul este racordat la retelele de apa, curent si canalizare, iar incalzirea este realizata prin centrala proprie cu agent
termic primar.

Exista posibilitatea de a fi preluata intreaga afacere, cu toate documentele si avizele de functionare ale societatii comerciale

Pretul pentru aceasta pensiune cu 10 camere de vanzare in Sanmartin este de 0799 000 10 20009 630 561 sqm. It consists of ground
floor, 2 floors and attic.

On the ground floor there is a reception, a dining room for 32 people, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen with 2 separate storage spaces, a
locker room for employees, a laundry room and a technical room. The 2 floors have the same structure, namely 5 double rooms with
balconies and individual bathrooms with shower. In the attic we find a 2-room apartment with bathroom, a 2-room conference room, 2
bathrooms and a storage annex.

The property is elegantly furnished, equipped with solid wood furniture, large and glossy tiles, laminate flooring, double-glazed
windows with PVA joinery, TVs, refrigerators and air conditioning in each room. It also has 10 parking spaces and also the
construction is provided with space for an elevator, which can be mounted and can go up to the attic.

The building is connected to the water, electricity and sewerage networks, and the heating is done through its own boiler with
primary heating agent.

There is the possibility of taking over the entire business, with all the documents and operating permits of the current company.

The price for this pension with 10 rooms for sale in Sanmartin is 799000 euros.

For further details, information and visits, you can contact us at:

Phone: (folosesti formularul de contact) – Agentia imobiliara D’Art Imob.


Or the contact section of our website:

Also, our offers can be viewed on Facebook by visiting D’Art Imob
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