PS3 modat HEN 320 GB + 60 jocuri (FIFA 19, GTA V, Minecraft, NFS)
Adaugat la 07:40, 04 Martie 2025
Consolă SONY PS3 Slim în stare foarte bună de funcționare.
Model: CECH-3004B.
Capacitate: 320 GB.
Versiune software: 4.90.
Este modată cu HEN (Homebrew Enabler).
Are instalate 60 de jocuri pe HDD-ul intern și este însoțită de un controller wireless, cablu HDMI, cabluri de alimentare consolă
și controller.
Pentru a intra într-un joc trebuie activat HEN după care se accesează Webman Games sau Multiman și se selectează jocul dorit.
Listă jocuri:
01) Afro Samurai
02) Angry Birds Star Wars
03) Army of Two
04) Battlefield Bad Company
05) Bioshock Infinite
06) Borderlands
07) Burnout Paradise
08) Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
09) Call of Juarez Bound in Blood
10) Cars 2
11) Civil War Secret Missions
12) Clive Barker's Jericho
13) Dante's Inferno
14) Dark Sector
15) Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition
16) Dead Island
17) Dead Island Riptide
18) Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection
19) Enslaved Odyssey to the West
20) Farming Simulator 15
21) Fast & Furious Showdown
22) Ferrari Challenge
23) FIFA 19
24) Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5)
25) Grand Theft Auto (GTA) San Andreas
26) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
27) Hellboy The Science of Evil
28) James Cameron's Avatar The Game
29) Jurassic The Hunted
30) Lollipop Chainsaw
31) Midnight Club Los Angeles
32) Minecraft Playstation 3 Edition
33) Mirror's Edge
34) Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition
35) MX vs ATV Supercross
36) Nascar 15
37) Need for Speed (NFS) Hot Pursuit
38) Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
39) Painkiller Hell & Damnation
40) Phineas & Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension
41) Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End
42) Portal 2
43) Prince of Persia
44) Prison Break The Conspiracy
45) Rango
46) Red Dead Redemption
47) Ridge Racer Unbounded
48) Rogue Warrior
49) SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection
50) Sniper Elite III
51) Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
52) Spider-Man Edge of Time
53) SSX
54) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Danger of the Ooze
55) Terraria
56) The Walking Dead Game of the Year Edition
57) The Walking Dead Season Two
58) Tomb Raider Underworld
59) Transformers The Game
60) Wipeout HD Fury
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