Rolex Submainer 41 MM Black Dial No Date 124060
Adaugat la 21:23, 03 Martie 2025
- otel inoxidabil / nu rugineste
- water proof / rezistend la apa
- mecanism automatic / minyota
- fosforescent
- semi safir/ semi-sapphire
Ceasul vine fara cutie , pentru cutie ceas se plateste in plus / the price is for the watch only for the box and accessories you
need to pay more
Oriunde in tara cu fan courier cu verficare colet / everywhere in every city from Romania with best courier ( Fan Courier atm)
with client verification too
Pentru mai multe informatii pe whatsapp/
For more information about the watch message me on whatsapp 24/7
Va putem aduce alte modele de brand uri de ceas sau alte modele de rolex la comanda ( comanda dureaza 2-7 zile ) /
We can provide u any other rolex models or watch brand ( it takes between 2-7 days)
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