Tech21 FlyRig RK5 Richie Kotzen
Adaugat la 13:57, 04 Martie 2025
Vind Richie Kotzen signature model
The same analogue SansAmp circuit, delay with tap-tempo, boost and the Richie Kotzen Signature OMG , plus some additional
features, such as independent reverb
Controls: Boost Level - OMG: Drive, Tone, Level - SansAmp: Drive, Low, Mid, High, Level - Reverb - Delay: Time, Drift, Repeats,
LED: Effect on
Foot switch: Boost, OMG, Reverb/Tuner, Delay, Tap/Speed
Input (6.3 mm jack)
Output (6.3 mm jack)
Power adapter connector (female connector 5.5 x 2.1 mm, negative pin inside)
Current consumption: 0200 110 0240 318 64 32 mm
Weight: 587 g