700 RON

Vand 2 procesoare marca Behringer

Adaugat la 22:31, 12 Martie 2025
Tip: Preamplificatoare Stare: Utilizat


Procesor Anti Microfonie Behringer FBQ1000 pret: 400 ron

12 Frecvente per canal
2x 12 Filtre Parametrice complet programabile
Mod Single-Shot
Setare de bandwidth si gain
Implementare Extensiva MIDI si spatiu de stocare liber de alocat
Componente de inalta calitate si o constructie extrem de robusta

procesor Dinamic Behringer MDX200200 400 22 00 Composer Pro Compressor/Limiter Interactive expander/gate/compressor/limiter with
fully automatic or manual attack and release. Product Description Features Dynamic new update of Behringer's popular "world
standard" interactive stereo compressor-limiter-expander-gate. Expander/gate section now features swept ratio parameter.
Switchable input/ouput meter for more effective signal monitoring. New high-end VCA ensures truly exceptional audio performance.
Sub-miniature Surface Mount Design allows extremely high component density ensures greater reliability. Extremely short signal
paths provide a noticeably superior sound. Provides increased dynamic energy to channels, subgroups and mixes and increased
projection for vocals while preventing system overload. Fully automatic or manual compression modes. User selectable
"soft-knee"/"hard-knee" switch to put total control in the users hands. Interactive Gain Control peak limiter combines clipping
and program limiting. Contor switch prevents over-compression from LF content. Switchable true stereo or dual mono operation.
Special IRC circuit for exceptionally quiet Expansion and Gating. Switchable +4 dBu and -10 dBV operating levels. Switchable
external key inputs with Key Listen feature. Servo balanced inputs and outputs on XLR and 1/4 in. connectors.

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